Registration Form

  • The registration period to EUROVELO COMPOSTELA will end on Wednesday, June 11, 2025 12:00h. or until filling the available places
Organisation Indications

La Marcha Cicloturista Eurovelo Compostela, es una prueba cicloturista, de carácter no competitivo que tendrá lugar el 15 de junio de 2025 con salida a las 9:00 en la avenida Xoan XIII, en Santiago de Compostela.


Registration fee
Team name

= required
Registration data

You never know when an unfortunate illness, an injury during training, or any other major unforeseen event might prevent you from participating in the event.

We offer you the option to purchase cancellation insurance that allows you to recover the registration fee if necessary.

The price of the cancellation insurance calculated for your registration is . Attention: this insurance covers contingencies related to injuries, serious illnesses and personal circumstances such as job changes, medical tests or death of family members, among many others. But not all causes are covered..

Please, check the conditions before contracting it. You can see them ere

I have read and accept the sport event regulation
Administration fee:
Current Registration Price:
Payment summary:
Credit or Debit Card

Credit or Debit Card
(Administration fee included)